
Mortgage Loan

A Mortgage is a type of loan used to purchase or maintain a home, plot of land, or other types of real estates. The borrower agrees to pay the lender over time, typically in a series of regular payments that are divided into principal and interest. The property then serves as collateral to secure the loan.

Required Documents

  • Loan application filled completly
  • PAN and Aadhaar Card
  • Passport Sized Photographs (qty.3)
  • GST Number (if required)
  • Income Tax Returns
  • CIBIL Report
  • Original Property Documents
  • Linked Documents for the Original Property
  • Insurance
  • Legal Opinion from Advocate
  • Valuation Report from Engineer

Avva Housing Loan (AHL)

A Housing loan is an amount an individual borrows from a financial institution such as banks to buy a new home, construct a home or renovate or extend an existing one.

Required Documents

  • Loan application filled completly
  • PAN and Aadhaar Card
  • Passport Sized Photographs (qty.3)
  • Income Tax Returns
  • CIBIL Report
  • Legal Opinion from Advocate
  • Total Estimateion of Construction
  • Approval from Municipality (Plan Approvals)

Cash Credit (CC) / Overdraft (OD)

Cash Credits is referred to as short term funding or loan for a company so that it can meet its working capital requirements. Cash Credit is a sort of loan that is offered to businesses by financial institutions like Banks.

Required Documents

  • Loan application filled completly
  • PAN and Aadhaar Card
  • Passport Sized Photographs (qty.3)
  • Nature of Business
  • Income Tax Returns
  • CIBIL Report
  • Property Documents
  • Legal Opinion from Advocate
  • Insurance
  • Engineer Valuation

Jewellery Loan

In a Jewellery Loan, you have to pledge your gold to the bank, and we will give you money based on the value of your gold.

Required Documents

  • Loan application filled completly
  • PAN and Aadhaar Card
  • Passport Sized Photographs (qty.3)
  • Gold Valuation Report
  • Bank Account

Loans Against Term Deposits

In a Jewellery Loan, you have to pledge your gold to the bank, and we will give you money based on the value of your gold.

Required Documents

  • Loan application filled completly
  • PAN and Aadhaar Card
  • Term Deposit Bond

Ware House Loan / Cold Storage Ware House Loan

Ware House / Cold Storage financing is a way for business to borrow money secured by their inventories. Inventories used as collateral will be moved and stored at designated facility. The warehoused goods are inspected and certified by a collateral manager to ensure the borrower owns the inventory used to back the loan.

Required Documents

  • Loan application filled completly
  • PAN and Aadhaar Card
  • for more information please contact bank...